Wedding Planning: How to Get Started

If you’re here, chances are you’re either recently engaged or you’re helping a friend who is. Congratulations! This is such an exciting time, and I’m here to help keep the happy feelings flowing while minimizing stress. Weddings are a beautiful reflection of who you are as a couple, so let’s make sure your special day looks and feels exactly the way you want it to. Before diving into selecting decorations, a wedding photographer, and other vendors, there’s one essential step you need to take.

When I started planning my own wedding, I went straight to Pinterest, where I was sure to find inspiration. There were so many stunning ideas that it felt like I was drowning in options. Without a clear direction, I ended up overwhelmed before I even began planning our wedding. I couldn’t settle on any colors, struggled to budget, and was unsure of the best time of the year for our wedding. Sound familiar? Let’s make sure your journey is smoother. Here’s the secret to building a solid foundation for your wedding planning:

Start with a vision!

Having a clear vision will guide every decision, from choosing your wedding colors and venue to selecting your caterer and florist. Some people have a crystal-clear picture of their wedding day in their minds, which is fantastic! But if you’re like me and the only thing you know for sure is who you’re marrying, that’s okay too. These steps will help everyone, no matter where you are in your planning journey.

  1. Find inspiration. Pinterest and Google will be your best friends here. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that these sources alone will magically define your perfect wedding. Create a wedding board and start saving your favorite photos, but remember, this is just the beginning.
  2. Download Canva. Canva is your secret weapon for creating a wedding mood board — a visual representation of your wedding day vision. Another great app to download is “Pallet Cam,” which will help you define your color palette. Both apps are free and incredibly useful.
  3. Create your wedding mood board. Pick your top 5-8 favorite pins and upload them to Canva. Pallet Cam is great for narrowing down your colors; simply upload a photo, move the cursor, and voila — you’ve got your wedding colors! Enter the hex codes into Canva to design a mood board that captures your wedding’s aesthetic.

To give you an idea, here’s the mood board I created for my own wedding. All the images, except the one in the circle, are from Pinterest. But once I had this visual guide, everything started to fall into place. I had my colors, which led to choosing linens, flowers, and even the look of my bridal party. It helped with nearly every aspect of wedding planning.

Mood board for a wedding, neutral colors. Magnolia themed.

Creating a wedding mood board is a game changer — it kickstarts your planning and keeps you focused on your vision. Whether you’re dreaming of a small, intimate wedding or an elegant elopement, your mood board will be your roadmap. Found a dress style you love? Decorations that are perfect? Put them on your board! You can share this mood board with anyone helping you plan, from your bridal party to your vendors, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

When you start reaching out to wedding vendors, this tool will be invaluable. Wedding photographers, florists, and planners will all ask about your vision, and your mood board will help bring it to life. I know it was a lifesaver for me, and I hope it will be just as helpful for you.

Happy planning! You’re doing amazing! If you need more help with creating a wedding mood board or just want to chat about wedding ideas, fill out the contact form on my website and check out my other blog posts!

Have you already had your own wedding? Are you almost done with planning? Did you attend a wedding and see something you liked? Share about your experiences in the comments and let’s help one another with wedding planning!

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